FAQs for L1

  • Which biometric device models are certified as a Registered Device?
    • L0S RD service MSO1300E, MSO1300E2, and MSO1300E3; L1 RD service: MSO1300E3 RD
  • What all devices do IDEMIA RD Service support?
    • L1 RD service: MSO1300E3 RD
  • Is the Morpho devices certified for Level 0 or Level 1?
    • Yes.
  • Can RD Service be used outside India for authentication?
    • No, Aadhaar project is for resident of India and should be use while residing in India only.
  • How to find Serial number or Model Number in case erased from backside of Device?
    • there is a button in the Android RD service interface for Device information, there is a utility application which can be used on the Windows machine to check the device detail.
  • Is Morpho Purchased from RD online Website will work in all the application?
    • Yes, only if the application provider has integrated the Idemia RD service
  • Is Morpho Purchased from RD online Website will work in SIM activation ??
    • Yes, only if the operator application has integrated the Idemia RD service
  • If you are getting error message, Device registration failed on your Android phone or Windows machine while connecting the Morpho fingerprint device.
    • Please make sure RD Service is properly installed on Android phone or Windows machine.
    • In Win dows Machine: Please check and correct windows machine date time & time zone (UTC+5:30 Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi) and set date & time to automatic.
    • In Android Phone: Go to date time settings, set date & time to automatic and time Zone to 24 hours format.
    • If device is still showing above error, please contact New Toll number [0806-936-8000] or write us on support@rdserviceonline.com with your contact details. The RD support team will revert you accordingly.
  • If you are getting error message "Error code 740."
    • if client application is configured with different environment and user has passed different environment value in PID option then end user will received Error code 740 during biometric capture.i.e.
    • if client app is configured on production (P) environment but user has passed pre-production (PP) in pid option during capture or visa-versa.
    • solution: either change the environment as per app configured or configure you app as per the environment value passed in capture pid options.
  • If you are getting error message "Error code 720."
    • when your device is not ready i.e either device is not registered at management server or device is not connected to the host machine or before successful INIT user tries to capture biometric.
  • How can I check my RD Service is working properly?
    • For Windows machine, if RD service is not installed, download the Windows RD Service from download Option in RDserviceonline Portal (downloaded folder will contain RD service Exe, Sample test page and RD Service Test Page Status document), Install the RD Service and plug the Morpho device to windows machine. You will get successful device registration message on screen once the device will be properly connected to System. Now Go to downloaded folder of RD service and open Idemia L1 RDservicetestpage.html and follow
    • Below steps to check RD service status, device info and capture: 1. Please make sure that RD Service of another device vendors (e.g. Mantra,Cogent,Startek,etc..) is not running on the machine. 2. Right click on RDServiceTestPage.html, click on open with and select browser(Internet Explorer/Google Chrome). 3. Once test page will open on the browser, Click on RDService button to get status whether RD service is in Ready state or not. 4. Click on DeviceInfo button to get device detail. 5. Click on Capture button to capture biometric. Note: you can also refer Idemia RD Service Test Page Status document (included in download folder) to perform above steps.
    • For Android device, 1. Go to date time settings, set date & time to automatic and time Zone to 24 hours format. 2. Please download Morpho SCL RD Service from google play store and install the same on mobile phone. Once RD Service is installed, plug the USB device (if Morpho device is connected using OTG Connector/Convertor to android device, please ensure OTG Connector/Convertor is working properly). RD service will show message “Your device is ready for use”. This shows MORPHO device and RD Service are working properly. 3. If device is still showing above error, please contact New Toll number [0806-936-8000] or write us on support@rdserviceonline.com with your contact details. The RD support team will revert you accordingly.
  • If you are getting message "Error while fetching details from fingerprint device. do you want to retry”? “Or Error while fetching details from fingerprint device in android RD service"
    • This error occurs if application is not able to get any detail from the biometric device. Solution: Reconnect the device and try again incase of still facing the issue please contact Helpdesk team [0806-936-8000] or write us on support@rdserviceonline.com with your contact details.
  • If you are getting error message "Error code 720." After successful RD Service installation.
    • This error mainly arise when device is not properly connected with host machine (i.e. Windows machine or android device).If the device is not connected properly with PC / Mobile, you would get this error. Please do the following.
    • Please check your device connection with your PC / Mobile. It must blink after connection. Check your OTG Connector/Convertor. We suggest to use branded OTG Connector/Convertor, which follow standard power specification. If you are still experiencing the issue, please contact New Toll number [0806-936-8000] or write us on support@rdserviceonline.com with your contact details. The team will revert you on your provided contact number accordingly.
  • If you are getting error message "Internal error 999".
    • This error mainly occur because of following conditions
    • 1. If you have use Morpho Device with any telecom application, it could be reason that device has been locked for use with telecom application only. Please contact telecom application provider for further support. 2. If the configuration of RD Service and client application were different, you will get this error. Please contact New Toll number [0806-936-8000] or write us on support@rdserviceonline.com with your contact details. The team will revert you on your provided contact number accordingly. 3. Device may have gone faulty.
  • If user is, getting issue related with Order/Dispatch / Bill / Invoice.
    • Send the received invoice against RD service /MSO device Purchased through Portal to support@rdserviceonline.com with your contact details. The team will revert you accordingly.
  • How can I get Morpho Device integrated in any business application?
  • Where can the packages for Android & Windows RD Service be downloaded?
  • What are the supported Browser versions for sample HTML File available in RD Service package?
    • OS - Windows 10 and Web Browser - Chrome (Minimum version 60), Mozilla Firefox (Minimum version v56.0), and Edge.
  • What if “safteynet integrity not passed” is showing on android device once device is connected to android phone after RD service installation.
    • SafetyNet is not applicable in L1 RD service.
  • Do customer’s client machine need to have Administrative rights to install RD Service Packages?
    • Yes, in case of Windows and In case of android, device should not be a rooted device.
  • What platforms is the Registered Device supported on?
    • The Morpho Registered Device is supported on below versions:
    • Android: Smart phone having OS version from 7 to above versions
    • Windows: Windows 10 and above (32 bit and 64 bit)
  • How do we contact Morpho for support?
    • Morpho customer support can be contacted from Monday to Saturday between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Tech support can be contacted on phone by calling Our Helpdesk New toll number 0806-936-8000. Alternatively, an email containing details of the problem may be sent to support@rdserviceonline.com